LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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PWM with variable frequency

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It is OK it works ! We have to write InitTimerSafe() at the begining when we use PWM library thanks a lot !

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 23

Awesome, I'm glad you got it working.

Message 12 of 23

Hello Sir

How did u modify the LIFA to a simple arduino code

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 23

Zahkay, I don't understand the question.

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 23

Dear Sir

Like in this status above, you use LIFA to explain how to do the PWM (I created a custom LIFA function based on your Arduino code.)... This is why sir i asked how did u edit this coding.

I did try but i fail. I hope this trend of my question does not interupt the original trend

this was my quest sir. How to implement the LIFA in an own project.

Like for example if i have to implemnt it in a stepper positioning code. i used to make an arduino coding. but to interface i have to used labview. This is the problem. like how to edit it sir.

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 23

Creating custom functions is fairly simple (for simple tasks) once you know the structure of the code.  I started learning it by reading the code closely and figuring out how it worked.  Then, I simply duplicated the digital write function and made sure that worked.  Then, I modified it for what I needed.

The topic of this thread has completed and this topic is essentially off-topic.

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 23

When i explain the topic with the example, then become irrelvant but i wanted to know the way you edit which you replies above

''Creating custom functions ''. when u create the custom function do u put the code in the labview interface like case 1 case.

i was interested in what you answer previously sir :

''I created a custom LIFA function based on your Arduino code''

hence the LIFA function is the problem for my coding sir

thank u for responding and for your reply

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 23

I'm having a hard time understanding your posts.

Converting working Arduino-only code to LIFA custom functions is sometimes trivial but there are many times where it's not.  So, the complexity of doing somthing like this depends on how your Arduino code works and what resources it requires.  Therefore, I am unable to describe a generic process for converting Arduino code to work with LIFA.

What I did described in my previous post was how I got started working with LIFA to add functionality to the API which is an essential step to get where you want to be.

If you are inquiring regarding stepper motors, I won't be able to help you because I don't understand the inner workings of any stepper motor code (Arduino or LIFA).

0 Kudos
Message 18 of 23

Hello Nathan, my post is a little old but i have a problem with 0 case...

when I put 0 in frequency, the code doesn't execute the code... I try to find a solution withou success... I think the buffer is not read when it is 0 case.

Thanks !

0 Kudos
Message 19 of 23

I've not had time to look over the code again but my first question would be, what happened when you used zero (0) when you had Arduino-only code?  Also, what is supposed to happen when you put a zero for the frequency?  A zero frequency doesn't make any sense when you are working with PWM.

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Message 20 of 23