LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Power analyzer using arduino

can i make single phase power quality analyzer with labview using arduino board

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Message 1 of 36

Using LIFA or LINX (the replacement for LIFA) is not well suited for high-speed applications.  Depending on what you are wanting to do, I'd recommend first finding out if the Arduino, alone, is even capable of doing what you want.  If it's not possible with just an Arduino, it won't get any better with LabVIEW.  If it is possible, and you don't need a lot of data to be streamed to LabVIEW, you could probably create custom Arduino code that sends calculation results back to LabVIEW.

What kind of acquisition speeds do you need to acheive to do what you want?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 36

What do you mean by a power quality analyzer?  Do you mean something that can measure sags,  distortion, peak voltages or some other measure of quality?


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 36

yes and also power factor,active reactive power and power spectrums

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 36

Arduino is capible of doing these functions alone,
I want to get sample rat of 10KS/s,greater than this would be appreciated

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 36


I suggest you use an Arduino Due.  It has a higher analog to digital conversion rate than an Arduino Uno or Mega,  more memory and multitasking capability.


  You shouldn't use LIFA or LINX for this project.  You need to transfer data in blocks to Labview.  Using LIFA of LINX to transfer an ADC readings one sample at a time reduces the conversion rate to 500  samples or less per second.  You need to use a zero crossing detector and interrupts to trigger the start of a sampling sequence.  The standard versions of LIFA and LINX do not have interrupt capability 


  Ideally you should use a micro controller with dual simultaneous analog to digital converters to measure power.  But Arduino micro controllers only have one ADC.  To get around this limitation you need to first sample the voltage  waveform and then the current waveform.  To preserve the phase difference information between the voltage and current waveforms the two ADC set of readings need to be triggered to start at the zero crossing of the voltage waveform.  This is why you need a zero crossing detector and interrupt capability.  You need to sample the voltage and current waveforms for an integer number of periods and the same number of samples for both the voltage and current t waveforms. One thing that can be done ease the requirement for a high sampling rate is to sample the waveforms for a prime number of periods.  For example instead of taking 250 readings  in one cycle you could take 50 reading per cycle for 5 cycles.   The method described in this paragraph will only work for steady state conditions.  For transient conditions you need dual simultaneous analog to digital converters. 


  The zero crossing detector is also useful for measuring sag.  By measuring the amplitude of the voltage waveform 1/4 ad 3/4 of a period after a zero crossing has occurred you can determine if the voltage amplitude has sagged.


    Two possible methods for determining if there are spikes on the power line are:

  1.  Use a high pass filter, a rectifier, a voltage clamp circuit, a comparator and a hardware counter to count the number of spikes.

  2. Or if you need to know wen the spikes occur use a high pass filter, a rectifier, a voltage clamp circuit, and a comparator to produce an interrupt when a spike occurs.

  The low frequency cutoff frequency of the high pass filter should be between 2 to 5KHz.

To keep from creating a short circuit when you connect your power quality analyzer to the power line you need, as a minimum, to use difference amplifiers to interface your your analyzer to the voltage and current sensors .


Message 6 of 36

Thakyou so much sir
yes Im using conditioning circuits for voltage and current waveforms but without using linux ot LIFA how can I interface Arduino due with Labview

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 36

Use the serial communications capability of Lbview to send and receive data between Labview and an Arduino Due.  Labview can be used with any micro controller that has a serial interface.  Use the Continuous Serial Write and Read.VI example for getting started with using Labview's serial communication capability with an Ardiuino Due.


Message 8 of 36

Thankyou,will disturb you again if gets in trouble 🙂

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 36


how can i use   zmpt101B  transformer voltage  to read ac voltage between 95 -265 volt ac ?

can i help me

i want to use transformer voltage and ct to calculate voltage and current by microcontroller or arduino

and analyze by labview

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Message 10 of 36