LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Sensor Support Request

Post here to request support for a specific sensor.  Please post a link to the sensors data sheet, a link to where it can be purchased and any specific details that may help the commuinty.  These sensors will be considered for future updates to the LabVIEW Interface for Arduino.

-Sam K

LIFA Developer

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Message 1 of 57

I'm trying to get a TMP102 Temperature Sensor to work in LabVIEW.

Its an I2c device and has a SDAclock so its not showing up with the correct data out of the box like my photocell and humidity sensor do.

It would be nice to see this sensor in an update in the future and maybe a tutorial on i2C integration into the Labview Interface for Arduino..


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Message 2 of 57


Check out the spec sheet on sparkfun (  This should have everything you need to communicate with the device.  It sounds like you are getting some data back but it isn't what you expected is that correct?

Page 10 on the spec sheet explains how to read registers.  Page 6 describes the temperature register which you will need to read from.  You will have to read 2 bytes to get the full 12 or 13 bit temperature back.  Then in LabVIEW you will have to put the two bytes back together into a single 12 or 13 bit number and convert it from 2's compliment to a signed decimal.

Let us know where you are getting stuck and show us your code (LV Block Diagram).  Also let us know what data you are getting (if any) and what you expect to get.


LIFA Developer

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 57

Thanks for the response Sam.  Yes the sensor is showing data off of the SDA, but its a constant 67 Celcius due to the SCL not being setup/programmed... I've got the sensor hooked up to the arduino, but no Labview code figured out for it yet.. There is almost no information online about the TMP102 relating to LabVIEW specifically.    Not only am i new to programming in LabVIEW but after diving into I2c more i realized how far over my head i was.  I have no formal experience with i2c or anything like it, so reading the datasheet was like reading a foreign language to me.  I've got some studying to do.  I see the importance of i2c for my project as i need "hot swappable" sensors and i like how you only need 2 data lines. so i'll be studying hard the next few days..

I'll give an update and post some code when i've got something to show.

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Message 4 of 57

This is not so much a sensor as a 6-output PWM driver that uses an SPI interface.

Info page:

I've managed to get cascading fill and some individual control using the SPI control in Labview, but I am having a hard time understanding how to format the SPI packets for color and cycle rate as I would with the Arduino code on the same link. My current project is configurable walkway lighting for day / night use.

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Message 5 of 57


Can you post an example of what works in arduino and what doesn't work in LV.  That should help us determine why you are having trouble.

-Sam K

LIFA Developer

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 57


will there be VIs to write text through LabVIEW for display on an LCD (16x2, 20x2, 20x4, etc.) connected to the arduino?

Thank you.


0 Kudos
Message 7 of 57
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 57

Dear NI,

Here are some sensors / breakout boards that would be awesome to get to built in support on the next iteration of LVFA.

MAX31855K K-Type Thermocouple Breakout Board from Adafruit and others

Bosch BMP085 Barometric Pressure Breakout

Adafruit 16x2 LCD with 5 buttons but only uses 2 digital pins; has 5 button control, multi color background ligh control.  While I think it's based on the Liquid Crystal library it communicates over the SDA / SCL pins.

VCNL4000 Proximity/Light sensor

Adafruit PN532 NFC/RFID Controller Shield for Arduino

TSL2561 Digital Lux Sensor

TSL235R Light to Frequency converter

Adafruit Thermal Printer Library

Thanks in advance!

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 57

hello everyone am mohd from egypt 21yrs old senior year mechatronics engineering currently working on my graduation project [H-vac] controlled via Labview so am usuing a Digital 1 wire -bus sensor [RHT03] .alternative [DHTxx] sensors so this sensor read both Temperature and humidity you will find more info in the datasheet and working arduino code that i attached .....i hope that any one can help ASAP because my graduation delivery day .....

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Message 10 of 57