LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Solenoid Control using LabView and Arduino


my project is about controlling pneumatic two solenoide valve( up and down) using PWM on labview+arduino uno which will work as proportional valve.

project equepments

1 double acting air cylinder

2 5/3 double solenoid valve, 24v

3 arduino uno, 5v

4 labview software

5 sharp analog sensor (feedback) 5v


1- pressing push button to start the circuit

2- giving pwm signal from labview to arduino to move up the cylinder

3- giving pwm signal from labview to arduino to move down the cylinder

4- detecting distance as error feedback to input of my plant

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Message 11 of 53

I'm still confused as to how a 5 volt PWM signal does anything to your solenoid.  What hardware do you have between the Arduino and the solenoid?  It will likely be that device that determines how the LabVIEW code needs to be written.  If it is just a simple amplifier circuit then it should be fairly simple by setting the PWM duty cycle to different values.  However, in this case, you will need to be ensure that the frequency is in the correct range to properly hold a constant average current.

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Message 12 of 53


my project is about controlling pneumatic two solenoide valve( up and down) using PWM on labview+arduino uno which will work as proportional valve.

project equepments

1 double acting air cylinder

2 5/3 double solenoid valve, 24v

3 arduino uno, 5v

4 labview software

5 sharp analog sensor 5v; (feedback)

6 electrical circuit (resistor, transistor, doid, solenoid); "this circuit between arduino and solenoid"


1- pressing push button to start the circuit

2- giving pwm signal from labview to arduino to move up the cylinder

3- giving pwm signal from labview to arduino to move down the cylinder

4- detecting distance as error feedback to input of my plant

could you please guys, make this code in labview interface for arduino?


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Message 13 of 53

I understand what you want to do however, I still don't understand your electrical and hardware setup.  So, the only thing that I need now is a link to the exact solenoid that you are using and the name, type, or diagram of the circuit you are using between Arduino and your solenoid.  If it is a common circuit, could you please provide a link to a description of it?

I could just write code for you but I don't think that would be the safest thing to do without first understanding how your system is built.

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Message 14 of 53

5/3 way, dual solenoid work with 24v

please make any code closer to this solenoid


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Message 15 of 53

Ok, so based on that circuit, you only need a single PWM signal to control the solenoid (assuming that the PWM frequency will work).  So, to control your solenoid you should be able to simply do this:


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Message 16 of 53


this code is to control only one solenoid but i need code to control 5/3 vlave with two solenoid. 

so i made this code on labview but the signal is not good, so please could you modify it or make code to control two solenoid with pwm.


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Message 17 of 53

The only thing that I can recommend is that you test code for one (1) solenoid (see my code above) to see if it is possible to actuate it with the PWM signal from the Arduino.  If it is not possible to actuate one (1) solenoid then it won't be possible to do two (2).

One thing that is generally helpful is if you can test it with Arduino alone (usually based on some example or tutorial).  If you can do it with Arduino alone, then you could post that code so that we could see if something about LIFA needs to be changed to be able to replicate the functionality of the code.

Once you establish that the valve can be actuated by the Arduino then we can better assist you.

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Message 18 of 53


this is arduino code for two solenoid valve, it is successful

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Message 19 of 53

hi nathan

could you please make code labview+arduino for controlling 5/3 way with two solenoid valve using pwm?

please i need it

thank you

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Message 20 of 53