LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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USB problem: Controlling Arduino Uno using Labview in macOS

Hi there


I am a beginner and trying to use Labview to control Arduino Uno in macOS Mojave 10.14.3.

I am using Labview 2018, VI Package manager 2017 and Arduino 1.8.9.

I have used Arduino and opened the LIFA_Base.ino 


Screenshot 2019-03-21 18.24.16.png

and after selection of Board and Port push the Upload button.


Screenshot 2019-03-21 18.24.36.png


and got the Done uploading message


Screenshot 2019-03-21 18.28.43.png


Then I have started with a simple example of controlling onboard LED. This is its diagram(#pin 13):


Screenshot 2019-03-21 18.13.12.png

but in the VISA resource, I can not see the Arduino port. This is what I can see


Screenshot 2019-03-21 18.31.42.png


and if I run it I will get error 5002


Screenshot 2019-03-21 18.35.06.png


This is what I see in my NI MAX


Screenshot 2019-03-21 18.37.25.png


 and NI-VISA configuration


Screenshot 2019-03-21 18.38.56.png


and finally mac system report


Screenshot 2019-03-21 18.40.59.png

I would really appreciate if you could help me to figure out why I can not see the Arduino USB port in the VISA resource.



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Message 1 of 3

I get the same thing

not sure what version of labview you have

im on 18 it was free on ni


it looks like the original vi package manager may be out of date but it doesnt let me do the update.


please post if you got this working thx

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Message 2 of 3

dont use the fifa or linx drivers they give me nothing but problems


do a search on youtube using labview and Arduino without those drivers


create you own code using theh visa read and write.


if you still need help com back give an update i can send some snap shot im about to go out the door but can help later.

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Message 3 of 3