LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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analog read to LCD - error

First of all congratulations for the community.

I’m a civil engineering student and I’ve always had a special interest for electronics, sensors, and arduinos.

I’m finishing my degree for which I have to develop a thesis. After some research and based on some articles, I suggested to my hydraulics Professor to monitor the solids transportation (at the bottom of a river) using a hydrophone and other sensors; the study will be performed in a laboratory.

The data from the hydrophone would initially be recorded through a sound card connected to the laptop, using simple software to record the data. In what concerns to the other sensors, I though about recording the data through the Ethernet shield in the micro-SD card.

After a more thorough research, I found the LabVIEW and your community, and now I intend to create a VI allowing me to receive and record data from the sound card and from the sensors simultaneously. However, having very little knowledge about LabVIEW it’s very complicated to develop all of this.

At this point I already have two analog sensors connected to LabVIEW - I would like to use an ultrasound (I tried to make it work but I didn’t succeed…).

Now I’m trying to connect an LCD to visualize the data from all sensors and this is why I’m asking for your help: the connection is fine, but when I try to connect the arduino read block output (voltage) to the arduino print input, an error occurs - “You have connected to terminals of different types”. Could it be because of the Bits? How can I solve this problem?

LabVIEW – 12.0 (32bit – evaluation version)

LIFA Base 2012 Build 79

NI-VISA - 5.0.0

Arduino Uno

Arduino IDE 1.0.4

OSX 10.6.8

Thank you for your time!

Best regards,

Carlos Esteves

Broken Wire.png

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Message 1 of 4

The first thing that must be mentioned is that you must have all of your Arduino VIs inline (all executed sequentially) to prevent race conditions.  Likewise, you should only have a single Close VI.

Second, you are getting a broken wire because you are trying to connect a number (a double) to a string (a string of characters).  You must first convert the number to a string:  Programming > String > String/Number Conversion > Number to Fractional String.

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Message 2 of 4

Hi Nathan,

Thanks for the tips.

Meanwhile I burned the LCD so I can´t do what you recommended.

As soon as I have another LCD I'll contact you.

By the way, I was having dificulties to connect an HC-SR04 (ultrasonic sensor), and then I found here a VI that you created for the SRF05, and apparently everything seems to be ok.


Carlos Esteves

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Message 3 of 4

It is very true what he says Nathan , everything must go in a line and I tried many also use the serial port of the visa in question separating it this way ...

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Message 4 of 4