LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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capturing datas

It is possible to use an external reference voltage for an Arduino's analog to digital converter.  See:


In your application using a 2.5 volt DC external reference would increase the resolution by a factor of 2. 

I suggest yuu use LINX.  LINX has the capability for reading multiple analog channels with one command.  Search the LINX forum using the topic "Display Multiple Channels of Analog Data"  for an example.


0 Kudos
Message 11 of 17

Thanks i went through that. but still can figure out how to change the "LIFA_Base" on the firmware in order to include this:analogReference(INTERNAL2V56). to activate the AREF pin. help please. thanks

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 17

I think you can just put it in the setup() function in LIFA_Base.ino

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 17

Yes indeed Thank!! Here Nathan i would love to get some guidelines for the following:

- i want to take let's say 10 samples reading, get the average and then read it back the  value: for this  I inserted a for loop and as you can see on my VI below. but i think that i'm not setting them well. Also i wonder is there anyway i could reback the time inbetween to measurement/ reading? in oder for me to know how fast is can arduino read.

please below is my VI for a quick look!

Kindest Regards.

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 17

You shouldn't be usinga point by point mean function.  Simply wire the output of the Analog Read function to the for loop.  This should give you an array.  Use the mean function on that array.

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 17

Thanks Nathan. working well despite the fact i'm getting  around  8% error difference between my input voltage and the output reading  this is for any input voltage below 1.5V. Now could you please tell if Arduino + LIFA is capable of reading text command/instruction or characters like the FPGA does?? Thanks

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 17

Iassom95 wrote:

Now could you please tell if Arduino + LIFA is capable of reading text command/instruction or characters like the FPGA does?? Thanks

What does that mean?  This doesn't sound anything like what an FPGA does.

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Message 17 of 17