LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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music insrument shield for arduino, LIFA integration?

I am working on virtual piano project for my final year. I am using a arduino uno to generate sound using different frequencies. But recently i have discovered about music instrument shield by sparkfun. I am looking for any labview integration of music instrument shield. I was using Linx interface earlier but right now I am using LIFA but still no luck with making it work.

does anyone has any lead in this direction?

here is the link to the said musical intrusment shield.

Thank you.

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Message 1 of 2

It appears to use software serial communication which is not supported by LIFA.  I think LINX has a second serial port implemented that you could use to port the functions for this board.  Also, since it's serial, it may be possible to use it without an Arduino at all but with LabVIEW and a USB to serial converter (you'd need to do some more research to verify that a USB to serial converter would work though).

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