LabVIEW User Group Munich

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ich hab gesehen, daß auf der Startseite dieser UserGroup ein "Nächstes Treffen"-Eintrag ist, der mittlerweile überholt ist und bald geändert werden müsste. Wer kann diesen Eintrag ändern? - Wer ist eigentlich der Owner dieser Gruppe?


Dann noch ne Frage:

Die LabVIEW Usergroup Munich:
ist nicht gelistet in der "Local User Groups list":

Weiß jemand den Grund hierfür?


Danke und Grüße


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 2

bzg. der Frage, warum die LabVIEW User Group München nicht in der Local User Group List erscheint, habe ich die Antwort s.u. erhalten. Wir sollten darüber nachdenken, ob diese Gruppe nicht eine offene Gruppe werden sollte. - Können wir auf dem nächsten Treffen diskutieren.



Hi Andreas,


Thanks for contacting us regarding your user group.


Per our Group Policies, all user groups are subject to the NI Community Content Archive Policy.

Earlier this year, we conducted an audit of all user groups that exist within the NI Community. We used various criteria to determine if a user group was still active - such as, number of users that joined within the timeframe, number of page views, number of new posts. For some user groups that were deemed inactive (no new posts and no new members for 1 year), the group owners were notified and the user group was then archived. For other user groups that weren't quite active anymore, the groups were moved into the "More Groups" category for further evaluation. If we do not see an uptick in activity, then during the next audit, the user group may be completely archived. During that time, we may also move active user groups into other categories if they are once again active.


However, please note that your user group is “closed” which means that a user must be invited or request to join the user group. It is hidden from the navigation from users due to this setting – so the category in which it resides may not matter.


Please let me know if you have any more questions.


Thank you,


Lili McDonald

Community Manager

National Instruments"

Message 2 of 2