LabVIEW Web UI Builder and Data Dashboard

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LabView Web UI Builder communication with sql database

I want to design a data monitoring system deployed on stand alone PC using LabVIEW Web UI builder.

Can I use SQL database with Web UI Builder?

Is Microsoft silverlight only requirement for standalone PC ?

Would I be needing RTE for the setup?

Can Advantech web access be considered an alternate solution?

Once I develop and deploy system would i need to pay 20 % each year to just keep it running or is the renewal required in case of further development

Any help would be greatly appreciated



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Message 1 of 4

Hello Raiz,


Each user must purchase a license to access the Build and Deploy Project feature.


That 20% is the renewal required in case of further development.


Here is a link that can provide you information about building applications:


Building an Application - LabVIEW Web UI Builder Help



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Message 2 of 4

Hi Mahi,


Web UI Builder cannot directly connect to an SQL server, so I'd recommend making a LabVIEW-built EXE that can communicate with your SQL server, and uses LabVIEW Web Services to publish that information. Then you can build a UI with Web UI Builder to connect (via LabVIEW Web Services) to that EXE running on the PC.


The PC would require the LabVIEW RTE and Silverlight, but all other web clients would only require Silverlight.

Anything you develop and deploy will run without further licensing. Only the build process requires an active license.

I hope this helps,

Fred Visser -- SystemLink R&D -- National Instruments
Message 3 of 4

Thank you for your replies.

Fred_V  you have been a big help. Thank you. You have solved one of my issues. Now I know that if I deploy my app I wont need to renew my License. But now thebig question is of SQL!!!

If I cannot communicate with SQL directly then wouldn't it be better to use labview rather than WEB builder.

Also my question regarding WEB ACCESS by advantech still stands. They claim that thier software can communicate with SQL seamlessly.

There only drawback seemingly that thier graphics are not comparable with web ui builder. has anyone any information about this software??

Any help would be appreciated


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