LabVIEW for LEGO MINDSTORMS and LabVIEW for Education

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Detecting colors and signal duration. Is it possible?

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I've been inside the move motor subVI trying different methods, without any more success.

I think we're just gonna have to settle with a lower success rate... Seems like system moves somewhat precisely after a couple of "calibrating rounds"... Guess we're just gonna have to deal with system not working 100%...

What can you expect with the limitations of the lego actuators anyway 😉 



0 Kudos
Message 91 of 97
Accepted by Bentz32

good luck tomorrow

greetings from the Netherlands
Message 92 of 97

Thank you so much for all your help throughout this project.  Without you, we would be nowhere near completing this. 


Will post how it went in the near future 🙂


Sincerely, from the whole team,




0 Kudos
Message 93 of 97

glad I could be of help.

Greetings and indeed like to know how it went.

greetings from the Netherlands
0 Kudos
Message 94 of 97



Presentation/demonstration went pretty well 🙂

We got a B on the demonstration/presentation itself and C on our project report (we might want reevaluation on that so that we get a solid B).

All in all we're pretty happy with that, and that is mostly thanks to your help 🙂


Cheers Albert!


Maybe we'll talk again in the future as the bachelor thesis is next semester 😉




0 Kudos
Message 95 of 97

Glad I could help a bit. And a nice way to get up and running with my old Mindstorm package.

Probably after Christmass because the grandkids are coming and just too small yet.


I like helping and teaching good programming.

Good luck with the thesis.

greetings from the Netherlands
0 Kudos
Message 96 of 97

Thank you and Merry Christmas! 

0 Kudos
Message 97 of 97