12-05-2006 03:39 PM
12-06-2006 06:01 AM
12-06-2006 07:48 AM
The first question to ask is did you mass compile after you installed the toolkit? If not, the compile can, indeed be VERY long. I believe this is specified in the ReadMe or getting started document and you should mass compile 'vi.lib\addons\NXTToolkit'.
12-06-2006 08:36 AM
12-06-2006 04:48 PM
12-07-2006 07:16 AM
If I understand you right, there is one particular program that takes a long time to compile (or maybe a class of programs?), but most programs do not take a long time?
If you could narrow the problem down a little bit or perhaps just attach an example program that takes a while to compile, we could try to reproduce the problem.
12-09-2006 06:10 AM
I will get the following error message during compiling a VI which uses NXT_TouchSensor.vi (or various other VI´s):
ERROR: Unsupported case structure value. Only single value cases and Default, are supported.
The error message is caused by any Case-Structure where a U8, U16 .... is connected to the Case-Selector.
What is the problem?
12-09-2006 09:53 AM
12-09-2006 03:39 PM
12-10-2006 07:41 AM
Hi John,
Problem: Unsupported case structure values in NXT Toolkit VIs.
I think the problem is, that the
“Only one specific value (or "Default) is allowed in the case selector lable for each subdiagram."
But for example the "PortSemaphore.AccessSemaphores.vi", which is part of the NXT Toolkit (and which is a Sub VI of "NXT_SyncUnlimited.vi") uses a Case Structure with the values “0, Default”, “1”, and “2”. This is only one example. I found many
Why does the NXT Toolkit include VIs whitch are not programmed according to the Programming Guide of the NXT Toolkit?
How can I solve the problem? Do I have to modify each NXT-Vi with incorrect case structure values?
I am using LabVIEW 7.1 and NXT Firmware 10.3.