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1074396120 not an image



I am new to Labview. I need a labview help urgently. We have a Labview program that has two channels that take images of both regular and fluorescence images. It was running well until now, which show an error massage of "1074396120 not an image' . Possible reason, IMAQ vision (Hex OxBFF60428) not an image. The regular image is fine, but the fluorescence is not, which has a shutter wheel to control the exposure. It seemed the camera and everything else is working fine. Can you tell me what caused the problem? Thank you very much for your help. 


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Message 1 of 5

Hi jenlin197,


You said the program was running well before. What changed? What did you add/remove/replace?


That particular error message usually comes up if the image type you have specified with IMAQ Create does not match the image type that you are receiving. What format is the fluorescence image in (i.e. is it a U8, RGB, BW, etc.)?

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Message 2 of 5



Thank you very much for your reply. I did not change anything. I just restart the computer and install some windows new update. Now I found out, if I turn one channel off, the other channel will work. If I turn both chennals on, it will give out an error. There is another error massage in the subvi, which is -1074364402, property Node (Arg 1) in camera set  I guess the format of the fluorescence is BW.





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Message 3 of 5

There is another error massage from another subvi. -1074395995 IMAQ write TiFFFile File not found.





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Message 4 of 5

Hi Jennifer,


For error -1074395995, the problem usually stems from an incorrect file path. Double check that the path right. 

Could you post your code? It might be easier if I can see what exactly you are doing.

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Message 5 of 5