08-25-2009 06:01 AM
My Name is Abdo
I read your tutorial in NI
and I downloaded your Example and the Microsoft
.NET Framework, 3.0 and SpeechSDK51.exe
but I using Labview 8.0
so it can not open your example
and I want to make a simple Program in Labview 8.0 using My Voice Commands
Let Me Explain
I want To Control a LED Indicator in Labview 8.0 Using My Voice Command
Such as
when I say (LED on) // The LED Turn On and The computer Say "LED Turned On
when I say (LED off) // The LED Turn Off and The computer Say "LED Turned off
I want to know some information about this
thanks very much
08-26-2009 02:28 PM
Hi Abdo,
I would recommend posting a comment on that document. The author should see your comment and respond. I am not sure about what the LabVIEW requirements are for that project.