04-23-2023 12:51 AM
dear labviewer,
04-23-2023 12:58 AM
位深 (Bit depth):32BIT
04-23-2023 12:58 PM - edited 04-23-2023 12:59 PM
Hexadecimal text is just a log sequence of bytes and can be anything.
A wav file is an audio file that is also a sequence of bytes, but has known structure as defined in the audio format standard.
In order to correctly parse the hexadecimal string, you need to know the structure. Do you? What was used to generate it?
04-23-2023 11:39 PM
hi brother,
I have a python script that works on converting the hex text i sent to wav, but I don’t know python. Can you help look into the code and let me know if labview can also do it? Thanks
import serial
import binascii as ba
import wave
import os
import time
from time import sleep
#from command import testcommandodelist, commandresultlist
import struct
import soundfile as sf
import numpy as np
import sys
def audio_dump_to_wav_3Mics_32bit(path,new_audio_path,wav_name):
binData = bytearray()
hexfile = open(path,encoding='utf-8')
for textLine in hexfile.readlines():
binFile = []
textLine = textLine.upper().strip()
textline = textLine.encode('utf-8','ignore').decode('utf-8')
if (textLine[0] != ':'):continue
textLine = textLine[1:]
textLine = textLine.replace('0X', '').replace(',', '').replace(' ', '')
binBytes = ba.unhexlify(textLine)
if binFile: binFile.write(binBytes)
binData += binBytes
endianness = sys.byteorder
crc32 = ba.crc32(binData) & 0xFFFFFFFF
numBytes = len(binData)
print('%d bytes, CRC32: 0x%08X' % (numBytes, crc32))
print(' ')
numSamples = numBytes // struct.calcsize('>f')
dataFormat = ('<%df' % numSamples) if endianness == 'little' else ('>%df' % numSamples)
audio = np.array(struct.unpack(dataFormat, binData))
audio = audio.reshape(int(len(audio)/1),1)
TOP_Data = audio[:,0]
#Top_data = audio[:,0]
#Error_data = audio[:,2]
sf.write(new_audio_path + wav_name +'.wav',TOP_Data,48000,subtype='PCM_32')
#sf.write(new_audio_path + wav_name +'_'+'32bit.wav',Top_data,48000,subtype='PCM_32')
#sf.write(new_audio_path + wav_name +'_'+'Error_32bit.wav',Error_data,16000,subtype='PCM_32')
print("audio dump to wav 黑化肥发灰 灰化肥发黑 !!!")
datapath = '/Users/h3637_h716454/Desktop/py/' # save here
fpmic = datapath + '/'
except OSError:
print('File Exists')
fp1 = fpmic + '1.txt'
04-24-2023 07:09 AM
搞定没,老铁 ?
04-24-2023 09:41 AM
LabVIEW is a full featured programming language and can do anything! Anything!!!
Is there a documentation for the incoming data?
Sorry, I don't use or read Python. Maybe you could use the Python node that is available in newer LabVIEW versions?
04-24-2023 11:08 AM
没呢 你也要做这个?
04-24-2023 11:38 AM
04-24-2023 08:32 PM
Yes, labview is powerful and perceptual for measurement and automation.
Python is also popular in these years, and work well in both windows and linux OS.
05-08-2023 09:11 AM
This is raw data, and it is mic recording data( send command to let microhone on tws earbud to record then send command to get the recording data like attachment )