02-03-2016 08:42 AM
I have actually l watched a lot of videos from NI. Also followed at 5 days course in Denmark. Here we only briefly talked about queues. I try to search for some info, but might return with more questions
02-03-2016 08:44 AM
Reentrant VIs and subpanels has some special rules which concern the way how you spawn each instance. So there are setups where the subpanel will not work, in others it will.
As Gerd pointed out, my two suggestions are not the only possible way to solve this request.
Queues do work well in such setup as well, so maybe you find that more intuitive than working with subpanels or VI Server.
02-03-2016 08:45 AM
@Michael.Koppelgaard wrote:
[...] I try to search for some info, but might return with more questions
That's what this forum is about 😉
I do recommend to create a new discussion thread though if you have questions on specific technologies (e.g. queues) rather than to create a long, single monolithic discussion here....
02-03-2016 08:51 AM
You might want to check out my blog. I have been talking about a lot of the issues that you are raising for the past year. Reentrancy, data passing, state machines, all that stuff.
02-03-2016 08:55 AM
I would very much like to. Have you got a link to what could be useful for me
(and do you know how to chance the awful green face that is connected to my profile?)
02-03-2016 09:06 AM
02-03-2016 10:42 AM - edited 02-03-2016 10:43 AM
I really like to use UserEvents to communicate between subVIs and a main VI. Here you will find a nice quick tutorial about Events:
I just put together a small very draft example how to launch two clones of the same subVI, but with different ID values (beside this, you can also feed in different COM ports, device IDs, etc...). I used strings for commands to be quick, but some people prefer Enums for case structures.
Anyway, I hope this example will give you some idea how to do this intercommunication using Events. I attached the mini project as a zip file (LV 2013 version).
02-03-2016 12:48 PM
I will start looking at your example at once, and might return with questions