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2009 Icon Editor Font

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From what I have been reading it seems that there is no compatibility between fonts on the 2009 Icon Editor and the old Icon Editor.


Am I wrong in thinking that any newly created VIs cannot have the same Icon look as old VIs imported into a project.


If I am correct, this seems like a major loss to design consistency and a blatant microsofting of NI.


While the new editor provides a lot more features, simple editing requires more effort.


Someone please tell me that I am wrong.



Message 1 of 18

I don't completelly understand but maybe I can help.  I don't know what you mean by compatibility between fonts. Are you saying that the font choices in the old icon editor is not the same as the new one?


While I realize the reason to upgrade to LabVIEW 2009 is for all the new features, you can use the old icon editor in 2009.  I actually prefer the new icon editor alot, but if for some reason or another you want to use the old one.  You can rename the following file:




to ""


LabVIEW 2009 seems to be smart, and if the new icon editor doesn't exist (or can't be run) it will uses the old one.  Changing the name back causes the new icon editor to be used again.


BTW I didn't discover this it was at LAVA

Message 2 of 18
While I have no desire to go back to the old font, the ability to select fonts from the OS would be nice. There are quite a few fonts that are made for smallness out there and the ability to choose a custom one (including ones from previous labview versions) is something the editor needs. Consistency is valuable.
Message Edited by rex1030 on 09-21-2009 03:07 PM
[will work for kudos]
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 18
Again maybe I'm missing some thing but you can choose different fonts from the old and new icon editors.  In the old one double click the text tool (the big A). And in the new one on the Icon Text tab in the lower left there is a Font selection and it has the option to choose any font that is installed on your OS, including "Small Font" which is the same as the default one in the old icon editor.
Message 4 of 18

Two things:


1: When I choose fonts in the new Icon editor, the text doesn't seem to change.


2: The old font (whatever it was) does not seem to exist.  The only way to make new text look like old text is to use pencil marks and make single squares.


Also, I am having problems getting colors into the history, and switching between background and foreground colors.

I'm sure that is just me getting used to the new editor, but it would be nice if it either worked like the old one (in that regard), or there were some help indicating how to use the new one.


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 18

I have trouble to find Small font bold.  Can anyone help me?

I use this font most of time before LV2009.  TIA.

George Zou
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 18
Refer to this thread. Should be the same issue.
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 18

1: When I choose fonts in the new Icon editor, the text doesn't seem to change.


2: The old font (whatever it was) does not seem to exist.  The only way to make new text look like old text is to use pencil marks and make single squares.



1. I didn't really understand what you meant by this. The icon editor seems to change fonts for me.


2. A little analysis and I think that the old Icon Editors font is Name: Small Fonts Size: 10


Are you actually using Eastern Language Settings as suggested by ttrr? If no, I would like you to please elaborate on the problem. It may help us uncover the problem.


I'll reconfirm point number 2 and get back to you.






Message Edited by NitinD on 22-09-2009 11:13 AM
Message Edited by NitinD on 22-09-2009 11:14 AM
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 18

I think I've figured out what you meant Jspaarg.


Did you mean that when you use the Text Icon in the right hand side, you get a different font? I don't think thats a bug really. 🙂 

You should use Icon Text Tab and change the font to Small Fonts Size 10 to get the old font. Again, I'll attempt to reconfirm the font.




Hope this helps,




Message Edited by NitinD on 22-09-2009 11:19 AM
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 18

The recommended and default font was and is Small Font, size 9.

The font settings on the icon text tab are only used for the inputs in line 1 to 4.

If you use the text tool, either double click the text tool or go to  Tools->Options to change the text tool settings (font, size and position).


The IE in 2009 does not expose the options bold or underlined text.


Message Edited by ThSa on 09-22-2009 07:38 AM
0 Kudos
Message 10 of 18