08-25-2011 08:45 PM
I know there are a lot of threads around about contour plotting, but everyone seems to want 3D graphs, I just want a 2D projection of one, with the z values represented by level curves in the xy plane.
I have been using the attached example to create something similar to what I want: I set "plot type" to cwSurfaceContour and make both "XY projection" and "Show projections only" true.
The result is exactly what I am looking for except that I want the z axis gone. Just a normal 2D plot.
Thanks in advance,
08-25-2011 09:24 PM
If you have LV 2011, look in the Mathematics/Computational Geometry palette - there is a new VI called Contour Line which will do what you want. There is also an example which shows how to use it.
08-25-2011 09:28 PM
Hmmm... I only have 2009. Guess it's time to update.
08-26-2011 12:55 AM
There is a contour control in LV2009, though it is a 3D one. You can mimic a 2D contour by clicking the XY button on the projection palette.
If you want to gain better performance since 2D is enough for you, try Contour Line.vi in LV2011.