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3D graph question

Hi everyone,


I have 2 questions concerning the 3D graph.


1°) I can’t find in the property node how to position the view as XY (it’s possible to do it right clicking on the graph, then  CWGraph3D,….). Is there a way to set it throw the property node?


2°) In the color map editor (see print screen under graph) the figures don’t stay as I have put them although I press on “ok” for saving


Any help would be great,





0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

Hello User_1979,


Thanks for posting on National Instruments forum.


There is a property node to change programmatically the ViewMode:



About your second question, you should be able to set your value then click OK and then click Apply on the Property page. I'm in LabVIEW 2010 and I don't have any problem.




    Benjamin R.

Senior LabVIEW Developer @Neosoft

Message 2 of 5

Hi Benjamin,


Thank you for your answers.


The first is fine, I don't know how I missed it in the list.


For the second, I click on OK in the Color map Editor (the custom one), the window closes, then I click on "apply" and then on ok. When I go back to the custom place, press on Edit, I don't get exactly the figures I entered...(see screen shot on my previous message)


I don't know if that is what you were saying by "apply on property page" ?




0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5



I have tested with your VI and I got the same behavior. Your 3D grave use the CWGraph 3D ActiveX and it seems that this ActiveX put the Max and the min value in the scale. Basically, in your VI the max value is 4,72226 and the min is -4,99212 and these values are your scale limits.


    Benjamin R.

Senior LabVIEW Developer @Neosoft

Message 4 of 5

Infact what ever figure I set I always get 4.904 and -4.699 when I go back to check....  So do you know what that means?  DO you have this behaviour with your own 3D graph?





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Message 5 of 5