06-01-2011 12:49 PM
Something like this would do what you want.
06-01-2011 12:59 PM
thank you so much aeastet, it worked, but one more thing, i want the whole values to show on a xy graphy with the -5, -4, -3volts etc on y axis while their coressponding values on the x-axis
06-01-2011 02:19 PM
I am not sure what you want on the x and y axis so I did it the way I thougt you would want it.
06-02-2011 12:39 AM
gud morning aesetet, thanks for your help. i notice u are very good with lab view and i want u to suggest some lab view tutorials that can help me improve my usage of lab view. thanks and i am waiting for your reply
06-02-2011 06:31 AM
I would look up the examples for state machine architecture. Producer and consumer loops. These will be the biggest building block that will make your life easier.
Here are some good links to start with
www.fafiles.com has some introductory tutorial videos for labview for beginners, check it out
Hope this helps
06-03-2011 05:45 AM
thanks for the link
06-09-2011 04:54 PM
gud evening all,
can any one tell me how i can get my result from the labview simulation to display on the xy graph, with the values showing on the graph once the simulation stops. find attached the vi
06-09-2011 05:51 PM - edited 06-09-2011 05:54 PM
(First, you should delete the two size=1 "build array" nodes leading the the bundle function. They make no sense whatsoever.)
The number of iterations of your loop is known before the loop starts, thus you should use a FOR loop. No need to check the termination condition with each iteration.
Currently, the graph displays in real time as data arrives, one update for each new point. If you only want to show the graph once the loop has finished, place its terminal after the loop. You also don't need to build the array in a shift register, simply autoindex the points at the right loop boundary, then wire to the xy graph terminal.
I don't understand the song and dance with the tick counts and case structure. What's the point? It would seem more reasonable to simply place a proper wait inside the loop.
06-10-2011 04:29 AM
THANKS Altenbach you solution worked
06-14-2011 04:01 PM