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7358 6221



I am using NI7358 motion controller and NI6221 DAQ for my system. The motor is controlled by NI7358 using a tension feedback obtained from a load cell. This tension value is supplied to the analogue input of NI7358.


However, instead of directly supplying the tension feedback to NI7358, I wish to use the 6221 DAQ to read the tension then use the signal as the feedback (through Labview) for the motion control of the motor. Is this possible?



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As I know, 7358 cannot configure to read a feedback from analog input directly, but you can write a software to change the motion setting regarding with its analog input.

Therefore, if you do it that way, you can program to read 6221 analog input, and use it for your algorithm to control motion instead of 7358 analog input.

You can find 6221 analog input example from Help>>Find Exampes>>Hardware Input and Output>>DAQmx>>Analog Measurements>>Voltage.

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