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8753xx series read and graph proper calibration

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Greetings for Greece,


I have a Hp 8753D network analyzer I would like to control via GPIB using labview. Actually  I want to build an interface where the instrument data are displayed on my laptop and export them after.  "8753xx series read and graph" example, does exactly what I want but requires a state file name along with a calibration file name. The calibration I am used to doing so far is only manually, therefore I cannot figure out what sort of file to insert in the specific field. in addition, I have nothing else but the analyzer, not even the calibration kit. Is there a way to create a path where the labview code will automatically extract the saved state and calibration saved in the RAM of the analyzer? 


Thank you in advance,

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Message 1 of 6



The Save/recall State functions either writes to a State file (save) or read from a state file (recall).

There are example files included in the instrument driver:

C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2014\instr.lib\Agilent 87XX Series\Examples\Agilent 87XX Series.STA


Samething for a Calibration data:

C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2014\instr.lib\Agilent 87XX Series\Examples\Agilent 87XX Series.CAL


Save-Recall State VI and Save-Recall Calibration VI.

Both of these functions has Save and recall functionality. Does it work to configure the instrument manualy and then call the functions with save.





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Message 2 of 6

Thank you very much for your response. 


However, I have to ask something else. How does this calibration file influence the measured values? The

C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2014\instr.lib\Agilent 87XX Series\Examples\Agilent 87XX Series.CAL

points out that the calibration is not proper. What if I still do the calibration manually, and then call the calibration file already existed in the .vi, is it going to affect my results?



Kind regards,


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Message 3 of 6

Regarding the included CAL and STA files in the instrument driver, these are only example files for use with the example code, not proper Calibration parameters.


But since it seems like you can save/load calibration parameters with the Save-Recall Calibration VI. I would test and see if you can calibrate and set up your instrument manually and then build/run a VI that saves the Calibration and State data to files. (I do not have a HP 8753 instrument available so I cannot test this). See attached example program.


Hope this will help



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Message 4 of 6

Hi 🙂


Actually I have two more questions:

1. How can I generate two independent text files (or paths) from the Save/ Load State and Save/Recall Calibration, and automatically insert them to the example code of Series Read and Graph Data?  Just a reminder, that the code at the latter requests searching for the .sta , .cal manually and I want to avoid that

2. The .vi attached kind of does something else I would like to work on ( displaying the S- parameters) but using the Agilent N5230A network analyzer. How can I change the code to fit an HP 8753D analyzer? Despite the different instrument drivers



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Message 5 of 6
Accepted by Sophita
For automatically reading of the files, you can obviously hard code the paths in your VI. What I've done is have the paths in an ini file that is read at the start.
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Message 6 of 6