03-16-2010 07:51 AM
03-16-2010 07:58 AM
Hi yukfai88,
your data is "," seperated, so you can use the spreadsheet string to array function. Use index array to get your element.
03-16-2010 08:39 AM
Thank you, Mike. I can obtain the time signal once I have the first row detected is starting with $GPGGA. However, if the first row is invalid number (during start of the receiver), then the result is also invalid.
I would like to ask, whether there is a solution for detecting the heading of the string to be "$GPGGA" as the first row may be invalid, and "$GPGGA, ..." appears continuously in 1 second interval.
Sorry for not having clarifying the question.
03-16-2010 08:53 AM
Hi yukfai88,
you can use the "Match Pattern" function with "^$GPGGA" to check if this is the first part of your string.
03-16-2010 09:13 AM
03-16-2010 09:41 AM
Hi yukfai88,
what do you mean? Which vi do you want to modify?
You can place all the functions into your loop to check your data.
03-16-2010 10:24 AM
Hi Mike, I have attached my recent work, and enclosed the parts i am in doubt with red circle.
- The left circle only shows change of value once, after pressing the run button of the vi. How can I modify the vi to get Time (String) changes continuously?
Thank you very much.
03-16-2010 10:27 AM
Hi yukfai88,
you build one string from all your data, so you read everytime the same time value. You can either store an offset in a shift regsiter, or you cut the string after the data you already worked on.
03-16-2010 10:53 AM
Hi Mike,
I understand what you mean for my concatenating all string into one string, but how can I store offset in shift register? Sorry that I don't know the way to do so.
03-16-2010 12:42 PM
Hi yukfai88,
no problem. You can do it like this.