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modificar el valor de X-axis en el graph control

hola, aprecio realmente la ayuda que me puedan brindar, estoy tratando de modificar el valor de la escala X de un graph control  a un valor de preferencia modificable al gusto del usuario, encontre un property node que puede hacer eso (llamado range) esto lo meti dentro de un while pero la escala de la grafica parpadea como si se actualizaran los valores en cada ciclo, necesito tambien hacer uso de los cursores, pero estos se quedan por fuera de la grafica (pues al parecer empiezan desde 0,0) y me gustaria que estuvieran en el punto de origen de la grafica (por ejemplo si el usuario pone un valor de inico de 10, que el cursor tambien este situado en 10), anexo el ejercicio previamente mencionado.


no se si sea mejor crear un vector  con estos 3 parametros (inicio, final e incremento) para asi aignarle cada valor de y a cada elemento del vector  X, pero tampoco se como hacerlo....


agradeciendo la tencion




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Message 1 of 4





hello, I really appreciate any help you can provide, I am trying to change the value of the scale of a graph X control to an editable preference value to the user's taste, I found a property node that can do that (called range) that it methylated in a while but the scale of the graph flashes as if values are updated every cycle, also need to use cursors, but these were left out of the graph (because apparently start from 0,0) and like me who were on the point of origin of the graph (for example if the user puts a value of inico of 10, also the cursor is located on 10), annex above mentioned exercise.


not whether it is better to create a vector with these 3 parameters (start, end and increment) for each value of aignan well as each element of vector X, but do not know how ....

You can post here for better response


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Message 2 of 4
yeahh, im inthe same problem!! i dont know how
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Message 3 of 4

Two things,


You can use this property node to do this issue but you can also do a double click in the scale limits and input a new value (this way you don't need a property node).


Another thing, you should disable the autoscale by right-clicking the scale and click the checked "X Autoscale" to uncheck it.


This way your VI should work.

Ah, also, you should not let all the control in the VI with 0. If you put another value, it controls the scale.


If you have more problems, let me know.



Rodrigo Schneiater
NI Brazil

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