12-01-2017 04:51 AM
@GerdW wrote:
Hi enthusiast,
how to make it user defined frame rate using simply a wait function in the for loop.
The same way as you tried with the TWL: wire a calculated value to the wait function…
I learned that using timed loops can increase the sampling rate:
How does a TWL increase a sample rate???
All they do is to iterate at a certain rate, they do not execute contained code faster on their own…
Side note: It might be easier to control tools like VLC remotely…
I tried wiring a calculated value to the wait function but I can't see the video running faster than the original frame rate(29 frames/sec). Instead,the video runs slower if i give a frame rate of for e.g 10frames/sec.
12-01-2017 04:52 AM
Hey Zou,
Can you show me your code how you manage to increase the frame rate ?
12-01-2017 06:34 AM
@Bob_Schor wrote:
@enthusiast4 wrote:
May be like the attached image?
First of all, please do not attach Images. Attach VIs, something we can Run, Edit, Modify, etc.
Second, yes, exactly like the attached Image, which you asked to play at 500 FPS (which it will do its very best to do). Try wiring 100 into the Delay -- you'll get 10 FPS. With 33, you get 30 FPS. [I forget with what "You get Eggrolls" ...].
Bob Schor
P.S. -- if you haven't learned enough LabVIEW in class to do these exercises, then certainly take advantage of the suggested Tutorials on the Forum Website. You need to do more than just look at them -- you should try to reconstruct all of the steps they discuss and show, and make other "programs/problems" for yourself. Schor's Rule: The Only Way To Learn Programming Is To Write Programs.
Bob Schor
I couldn't increase the frame rate by using delay inside a for Loop. So, I think the below link and code is the best way to do it .
Or any other alternative will be highly appreciated.
12-01-2017 08:25 AM
I don't have LabVIEW 2017 on my computers (it messed up two, requiring me to reformat the C: drive and "start all over"), so I can't look at your code. However, on November 16, I posted a Solution to a similar question here. If this also solves your problem, feel free to mark this Reply as the Solution (to send other readers to the above-mentioned link).
Bob Schor
12-01-2017 10:31 AM
You can set the play rate through ActiveX property node for Window media player (WMP), and leave all the looping, and display to WMP.
12-01-2017 03:40 PM
I think I may know why you are having so much trouble with AVIs (which are very easy for me to read and write, and to play back at multiple speeds). I just noticed the AVI function icons in your code, and also noticed the "86" in one of your attached files.
In LabVIEW 8.6 and earlier, NI was using a set of AVI functions that conformed to one AVI "standard". Sometime around LabVIEW 2011, they replaced their AVI functions with AVI2 functions that have slightly different behaviors and are designed for a slightly different AVI standard.
I see that you are running LabVIEW 2014, and presumably have the Vision Module installed. Try coding up an AVI Read (or try running the ones I've posted recently) and see if your problem goes away. Do not use the older AVI functions. The new AVI2 icons look like variations on this theme: there's an image of a piece of film, whereas
the old standard had a picture of a Movie Camera.
IMAQ AVI2 Write Frame
Bob Schor