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Access to Spartan-3E Starter Board Expansion Connectors IO13 to IO20

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In LabVIEW FPGA, is it possible to access the expansion connector pins that would be labeled from IO13 though IO20?


I noticed they are missing when trying to add new FPGA I/O.


Also, I am using a Hirose connector board to access those pins externally.

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Message 1 of 5



I'm not sure off hand but I can get a Spartan Board here and take a look, or ask the people who wrote our driver.




Anna K.

National Instruments
Message 2 of 5

I would appreciate that Anna.


I should also note that I am currently using LabVIEW FPGA 8.5. I'm not aware if the Spartan-3E drivers for 8.6 have updated this or not

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Message 3 of 5
Accepted by topic author troy.perales



I have spoken with some one in R&D and here is the user guide for the Spartan Board:

On page 120, you will this:


# The discrete LEDs are shared with the following 8 FX2 connections

#NET "FX2_IO<13>" LOC = "F9" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | SLEW = FAST | DRIVE = 8 ;

#NET "FX2_IO<14>" LOC = "E9" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | SLEW = FAST | DRIVE = 8 ;

#NET "FX2_IO<15>" LOC = "D11" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | SLEW = FAST | DRIVE = 8 ;

#NET "FX2_IO<16>" LOC = "C11" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | SLEW = FAST | DRIVE = 8 ;

#NET "FX2_IO<17>" LOC = "F11" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | SLEW = FAST | DRIVE = 8 ;

#NET "FX2_IO<18>" LOC = "E11" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | SLEW = FAST | DRIVE = 8 ;

#NET "FX2_IO<19>" LOC = "E12" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | SLEW = FAST | DRIVE = 8 ;

#NET "FX2_IO<20>" LOC = "F12" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | SLEW = FAST | DRIVE = 8 ;


This leads us to beleive that driving the LEDs also drive those IO.

National Instruments
Message 4 of 5



I read that but completely forgot about it. Thanks, Anna!


(If I may suggest, it may be more intuitive for users if the LEDs were labeled as "LED # / IO #")


Thanks again!

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Message 5 of 5