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Acquire signal at 1 MS/s using the NI 9223 module and gps timestamp using NI 9467



I am too trying to acquire the signal at 1MS/s using the analog module NI 9223 and am trying to timestamp the samples using the NI 9467 module . Could you please illustrate the steps which are used to build this .


Thanks in advance.

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Message 1 of 6

The feedback forum is definitely wrong for this. Do you have a hardware or software question? Please decide, then have the moderator move your question to the correct forum.

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Message 2 of 6


This is a software related question . Its a query regarding the VI found in the example finder.



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Message 3 of 6

@Harss wrote:

This is a software related question . Its a query regarding the VI found in the example finder.

Have you tried an Example VI?  Did it work?  Which VI was it?  What, specifically, did you want to know about it?


If you have no experience with LabVIEW and are overwhelmed by looking at a LabVIEW Block Diagram, then there are numerous sources of Tutorial Information you can use to get yourself started.


I just noticed that the Forums "Home Page" is being reorganized -- I'll suggest that a list of Tutorials be posted there.


Bob Schor

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Message 4 of 6


I have tried the following VI 


NI 9223  User-Controlled I/O Sampling.lvproj


I am unable to acquire the signal at the sampling rate of 1 MS/s.It seems the signal gets reconstructed barely at 350 ks/s. I have used a function generator to generate the sine wave and provided this as an input to the NI 9223 module.


I am also not quite sure about the following controls in the front panel


1:Number of samples 


2:Sampling rate.


Which are mentioned in the example project.


Could you please mention their significance and any modifications that can be made to the VI to acquire the signal at 1 MS/s. I have a Crio 9030 as the controller.





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Message 5 of 6



My application needs me to acquire data at 1 MS/sec. The acquired data is to be GPS timestamped with microseconds resolution . I am using the 'User Controlled I/O Sampling' from the Labview 2014 examples section. The data acquisition process is initiated by the NI 9223 ADC module . I am using NI 9467 for the purpose of GPS time stamping.


I have got the NI 9223 to acquire samples at the rate of 1 MS/sec using the 'User Controlled I/O Sampling' process. I now wish to integrate this with the 'NI Time Sync FPGA Timekeeper VI'. I am not sure how to implement it.


Please find attached the below snap shot. I am using DMA FIFO for this.


It would be really helpful if you could suggest an architecture for implementing this on the FPGA as well as the host.


Please Note:


In the attached second snapshot the second DMA write is missing , in the original VI the second DMA write was present and the output of the 'Get Time.VI' was connected to the second DMA FIFO . However, this configuration did not work properly .


1:The first snapshot is the 'Synchronize GPS to cRIO VI' from the NI Time Sync FPGA Timekeeper


2:The second snapshot is the 'User Controlled I/O sampling' VI from the examples section. 


The above mentioned VI's are placed on the same block diagram on the FPGA VI. 


I would really appreciate if someone could guide me with this. I am really new to Labview FPGA and need some help.


Please let me know if you need any more details.





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