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Activate Add-On


I am currently doing an internship and I work with a LabView license from 2017.

I need to add the add-on "Python Integration Toolkit". I found it on the NI Package Manager but I only have access to a trial for 1 month.

In order to activate the add-on I need to go to and enter my registration information.


But I have a problem with the license ID. I found a "serial number" which I guess is the license ID I am looking for. This number is of the form M..X..... where each . is a number.


When I enter this number as License ID, an error message tells me that invalid data is entered and must be only numeric value.


So if this number is not the license ID, where can I found it?


Thanks in advance.

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Message 1 of 3

Apparently, LabVIEW 2017 addon activation is 'special'...


Activation of LabVIEW Python Integration Toolkit – Enthought Knowledge Base


Have you installed SP1?

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Message 2 of 3

Also, that toolkit is end of life. Perhaps activation topped working?


Toolkit End of Life -- Porting to LabVIEW's native Python support – Enthought Knowledge Base


Of course a recent LabVIEW version helps when porting to LabVIEW's native Python support)re if 17 will work.

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