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Active Event Case Due To PLC Signal

In this Program, I want to sum two numbers due to trigger and it has two cases:
first from the screen button and it works very well.
second from the signal from PLC and it doesn't work normally.
The main problem as I understand is that the event case that active sum is not working well from the PLC signal.
Is there anyone who can help me?!
#help #labview

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Message 1 of 3
  • Please use plain zip to compress because handing is built into windows. Nobody here will install random software from the internet (and possibly malware!) just to look at your attachment.
  • If you are attaching a bunch of files, use a project or at least tell us the name of the toplevel VI so we don't need to guess.
  • Don't call folders and attachment "labView" (any letter case), but give them intuitive names. Everything here is about LabVIEW.
  • Your video shows a VI named "Grab This VI is not part of the attachment. What are we supposed to look at?
  • ...
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Message 2 of 3

I noticed that you seem to use xy graphs as a gauge display. I would recommend to use complex data, significantly simplifying the code.


Here is a comparison with all code flattened to the diagram (green). You can easily wrap some sections into subVIs again.





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Message 3 of 3