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Add NI MSIs to a Custom "MetaInstaller"

Hi everyone,


I use AdvancedInstaller to create a much more modern and customable installer for my application.


Now, I need to add the LabVIEW runtime engine and some drivers to it to embend all necessary components in a signle installer. To do so I created an installer with the AppBuilder as a canevat (with all NI dependencies) for my custom installer. Then I try to import the generated MSI into AdvancedInstaller but I got an error about the language id of the MSIs, actually using Orca I can see that the language ID is set to 9, which is not a language ID. I'd expected a value like 1033. Moreover, I cannot change this id with Orca cause I will corrupt the MSI.


I have tried to import NI MSIs from ProductCache folder with the same behavior. As far as I know NI does not provide MSM anymore, so I really need to be able to import those MSI files into this third part tool.


Does anyone have any experience how to add NI installers using a third part tool, especially with AdvancedInstaller?







    Benjamin R.

Senior LabVIEW Developer @Neosoft

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 3

Hi BenjaminR,


Maybe you should also post your issue in the Advance Installer's forum ( to increase a chance to have a solution.


You said that you have an error about "the language ID", could you make a screenshot of it?



National Instruments France

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Message 2 of 3

Hi Celine,


I have already posted on the Advanced installer forum. It appears that NI provides EXE bootstrappers that doesn't implement all the Windows Installer standards. It seems NI use some sort of AddOn on its installers which makes things more difficult to incorporate additional installers from NI.


By the way, in a first time I will use batch files to run silently the NI installers.

    Benjamin R.

Senior LabVIEW Developer @Neosoft

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Message 3 of 3