03-24-2015 03:34 PM
My problem is in building UI. I want to analyse my spectra and calculate area under the peak. For a single peak this was easy. I was able tomake a small programe, but the problem is, I need to calculate almost 8-10 peak per files and files. But the number of peak nor the position of peak is constant, in the file aEg.txt I wanted to analyse only one peak but in anotheer file I need 3 peak data. Is there any way to put some control on front pannel which will creat cursor in my speactra plot, so that depending on my need I will add cursor to spectra for peak area calculation.
03-25-2015 09:56 AM
Hi Asarkar, I have noticed that this post is duplicated, please refer to the following link: http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/Adding-cursor-from-front-pannel/m-p/3108700#M891098