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Addroundkey in Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

Dear all, can anyone who knows about Advanced Encryption Standard.please help me.
my project is using tulips image into AES (Advanced Encryption Standard).
My first stage is Addroundkey......I want to do addroundkey between one image (pixel -hexadecimal value) and other array(hexadecimal value).
my problem ,input to XOR gate is not boolean or numeric value but hexadecimal value (array).How i want to get the hexadecimal array output after addroundkey operation
For example Soo x Rioo =S'oo. Please see attachment.
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sorry,For example Soo   XOR   Rioo =S'oo

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Your VI makes absolutely no sense.


Your FOR loop in the upper right executes up to four times (depending on the smallest autoindexing array dimension), each time getting the same array sizes and creating the same output. Why is there even a FOR loop? What are you using "build array" in several places to add dimensions without purpose?

Wouldn't it be easier to set the "string" to hex display, the use string to byte array? You can do bitwise operations on the byte arrays.


Sorry, I don't have the IMAQ tools. Can you run your VI until the "image pixels" array contains data. Now make the current values of "images pixels" the default, save and re-attach the VI?


Have you done a search? Some links that might be interesting:


AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) Library for LabVIEW (not passworded)

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) in LabVIEW (also mirrored here)


 (a few more...)



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