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Advanced Peak Detector help

Hello all,

So far I've constructed my program to take synchronous DAQmx readings via RTSI bus, and now I'm onto the data analysis portion of the code. As it's very important that I analyze the data during acquisition, I've added the Advanced Peak Detector to my data reading loop. I believe I've wired it up correctly, connecting the output of the DAQmx to the input of the peak detector, and initializing the peak detector at i = 0. I've tried varying different parameters to what they should be - and yet, with all of this I'm still not detecting any valleys when I know that the data I'm analyzing is almost ideally quadratic.

If anybody can help I'd appreciate it.
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Message 1 of 4
I have run into the same problem with this vi.  I ended up junking it and writing my own peak-valley detector based on my own definition of what a peak-valley was.  Sorry I cant be of more help.

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Message 2 of 4
Have a look at the following knowledge base article for a more detailed description of the peak detector VI and how to properly set its values.  It is important to set the width to an appropriate value to filter out noise but not miss peaks/valleys.

How Does the Peak Detector VI Work?
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Message 3 of 4
<double post>

Message Edited by Devin_K on 11-29-2007 05:14 PM
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Message 4 of 4