06-17-2011 02:35 PM
In your original post, you said you generated an executable with the installer. The installer does not create an exe. In the build specifications, you have to first select 'Application (EXE)'. After running that, then you use the installer and select the exe you just created.
06-17-2011 02:52 PM
If this is a two step process--making an application for pc which doesn't have LV installed--that explains my problem. I was fooled into thinking my process worked when I installed it on machines that already had LV installed.
06-17-2011 04:19 PM
You are correct, it is a two step process. You can only use an application (.exe) on systems with the LV development sw already installed, because it has the runtime loaded on it; otherwise, you first create the app, then the installer.
06-17-2011 04:35 PM
06-17-2011 04:40 PM
You really should not mark your thanks as the solution. The idea of marking the actual solution is so someone can quickly go there without scolling through a long thread. You can change this by clicking on the 'Options' button.
06-11-2021 04:34 PM
The file type (.exe) is not supported. Valid file types are: 7z, bld, bmp, c, cap, cfg, chm, cir, cpp, cs, csv, ctl, da, ddd, ddf, digiproj, dll, doc, docx, dot, dotx, dsb, eip, emp, ewprj, flxproj, gbr, gcdl, gcomp, gif, gmrd, grsc, grtm, gpal, gconversion, gtype, gvi, gviweb, gz, h, html, icd, ico, ini, ipk, jpg, jpeg, l4p, l4t, lep, lks, llb, log, lvaddon, lvcompile, lvdd, lvdist, lvlib, lvm, lvproj, lvproject, lvprojx, m, mp4, mp11, ms10, ms11, ms12, ms12, ms13, ms14, ms7, ms8, ms9, msm, nimanifest, nivsprj, nitrace, nipkg, ogp, pdf, png, pps, ppt, pptx, pxiproj, prz, py, rtf, scr, seproj, seq, sli, smuproj, spy, sud, tar, task, tca, tdm, tdms, tdr, tdrm, tdv, tsw, tuc, tui, txt, uir, uri, vascr, vb, vbai, vbs, vhd, vi, vim, vip, vipc, vit, vix, wbassets, wbx, wmv, wsp, xctl, xls, xlsx, xlt, xltx, xsl, xslt, z, zip, sit, llb, rar.