07-02-2009 03:12 PM
Labview program is used to download the screen image from Agilent DCA 86100A. It worked for most of the DCAs, but failed for one device (DCA) with the same software revision A.05.00 and build version 4239.
The command used is
For the working ones, the read out strings are "#6148897ÿØÿà ....."
for the not working one, the read out strings are "#598558X` ....."
Anyone has any idea what the strings mean? Is anyway I could make the non-work one work either by change the DCA setup or change in the codes?
07-02-2009 03:39 PM
The data being read is the jpg file which is a binary format.
I'm not sure at all what you mean by 'Failed' but you should really be asking Agilent this question. It does not sound like anything to do with LabVIEW assuming you are just taking the data and saving it as a jpg file.