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Algorithm that uses the MPC?

I am working in an academic publication and am using predictive control tools in my experimentation. The point is that I must report the name of the algorithm that the "CD Implement MPC Controller VI" function used to solve the QP problem: "active set", "interior point", or directly KKT optimality conditions. I thank anyone who can answer.

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Message 1 of 3

"CD Implement MPC Controller VI" can use one of two QP solvers if the problem is constrained.  The first solver uses a quadratic barrier for all active constraints, so it is an active set method.  The second solves the dual QP problem, which is a non-negative QP, using a multiplicative update.  Here is a link to a paper that outlines the non-negative QP algorithm.


Message 2 of 3

I greatly appreciate your response. It has been very helpful.

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