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Any way to make it easier for user to find dialog boxes?

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I've tried searching this question for half an hour but, for LabVIEW, "dialog box" is practically a stopword (too common).  Is it possible to change the border or background of a one-button, two-button, or three-button dialog box so that it can be found on a crowded front panel, which may span two or three screens?

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Message 1 of 4
Accepted by topic author mistercat

The short answer is that you have no control over the native 1 or 2 button dialogs. I think the 3 button is a vi.lib VI which you could save-as and then customize.


The best way is to use a custom VI which plays the part of a dialog. This opens it up to endless possibilities for color, size, positioning, prompts, inputs and outputs...


By the way, I like your use of "stopword" - that's a concept I run into all the time, but I didn't know there was a word for it.

Message 2 of 4

Rats, I was hoping there was a SHFT, right-CTRL, F2 combination that would magically unlock the properties.


Yeah, the stopword concept is an important concept in search.  Before the Internet became almost universal, there was a company that called itself "THE".  Guess what happened to them.

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Message 3 of 4


Because.... why not?  This doesn't require modifying anything on disk.


(Yes, it's a rainbow-flashing three button dialog.)


-edit- Disclaimer:  Random multicolored strobing effects probably shouldn't be used in a professional application.  Ever.  Probably.  Ever.



Tom L.
Message 4 of 4