07-16-2016 06:11 AM
07-16-2016 01:13 PM
And what's the problem?
if you want to hide one of the indicators, use the property -> visible
07-16-2016 01:44 PM
Care to give more details about what you are connecting to the serial port? I imagine they have different messaging protocols. So you just need to figure out which protocol is being used and update the values that correspond to the received data.
07-16-2016 02:34 PM
07-16-2016 02:38 PM
07-16-2016 02:45 PM
Here are some options:
1. Use 2 VIs. It only makes sense to have a VI for each sensor. This greatly reduces complexity and is very simple.
2. Use a subpanel. Sort of back to #1, but the idea is that when you read the first data, you know which GUI to load into the panel.
07-16-2016 03:09 PM
07-18-2016 12:50 AM
Maybe you can have a "tab control" with two tabs and Hide the not used page using property node.