04-20-2016 06:01 PM
I have a Labview application (test.exe) which calls another subVI using invoke node. This subVI is using "system exec.vi" for running a .bat file. When running the main application it retuns error at invoke mode and does not run "system Exec.vi" . It appears like "system Exec.vi" cannot be located- a VI loading window quickly pops up and disappears on running the application . attached is the sanp shot of the main VI ( test.exe) and the sub VI
Any tips on why this is happeing?
04-21-2016 01:02 PM
Hm, I had a weird issue like this but was calling a VI using the VI Server Reference in a subpanel. Once I created the EXE the subVI inside the subpanel wouldn't work. First make sure you're putting the subVI in "Always Include" in the build properties. Two things seemed to fix this for me, so try one or the other
- Use a static VI Server reference instead
- Keep your VI the way it is, but check the "Use LabVIEW 8.x file layout" in the Advanced tab of the build.
Let me know if this works!
04-21-2016 03:24 PM
Yes, it seems main VI can not find dynamic subvi.
If you include it into the build, make sure you use relative path and in the advanced build specifications you did not set "use labview 8.x file layout".
In simple cases you can put vi on a diagram - this will force labview to load vi into memory, then open reference by name, not by path.