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Arbitrary signal generator


I'm trying to generate an arbitrary signal, which has a duration of 5 to 6 mins. My signal is not a periodic signal (no phase, frequency etc.), it's generated only once whenever required. I have around 70 to 80 (time,vlotage) co-ordinates. I'm using "Simulate Arbitrary Signal" express vi. This vi generating wave form of exact shape but not in duration. When I send this generated signal onto an analog output pin(nr. 22) of "NI PCI 6052E" interface board and observed output on CRO, duration was about few micro seconds. When tried to increase the duration, it's happend but for few more micro secs. I did all this work on a real-time target. I need help regarding this matter. Should I program any on board components of "NI PCI 6052E" to get exact duration of signal..?? My requirement is "once I start the vi, it should generate a voltage signal over a period of 5 to 6 mins. sothat, I can observe it on CRO". I work with LabVIEW 8.5.

Thank you,

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Message 1 of 4
Hello Ravinder,
i think what you need is to put the arbitrary signal simulation inside a while loop. You can loop this time with a timer function, through this its possible to generate your signal for your desired duration. You don't need additional settings on you DAQ board, i think you are using the DAQmx drivers.
I attached a small example, i hope its working for you.
best regards

Message Edited by grdaubt on 06-24-2008 04:44 AM
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Message 2 of 4
Hi Tobias.....

Thank you very much.......It's working fine for me.Really nice......

Once again...thank you very much........

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Message 3 of 4


I have a question about building arbitrary signal. Now i'm manually controlling a function generator (in a loop i'm changing a value..) But i would like that to be automatic. I need a signal which looks like this(signal.png). What would you suggest? The width of the pulses is constant(aprox 100s). 

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Message 4 of 4