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Arduino, LabVIEW, Real-Time?

Hello community,


I purchased an Arduino UNO along with DC Motor perpherals (MotoMama for example) for a project, as well as installed the appropriate drivers and interface for the Arduino - I am now waiting for my order.  I have come to a realization that this project is very time critical and I would like to know how "real-time" a system like this would be. 


Are there tools in which I can validate how much processing each VI is handling in real-time and perhaps determine delays.  It looks like that the Arduino is being used as a hardware interface and the computer running LabVIEW is doing the processing.  Unlike (say CodeVision AVG) that allows the user to compile the code into the ATMEL chip - using that software, it allows you to step through each line of code and determine how much time it takes.  Are there tools like this in LabVIEW?


Ultimately, I prefer a real-time processing power +50 KHz, how can I test this to insure that the system is acting accordingly.



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Hi Dan,


By real-time do you mean a real-time operating system?


To answer your questions about testing your code for execution speed and processing we have a few tools.  In LabVIEW itself there's the Profile Performance and Memory:


Further, we have execution trace:


Let me know if any of this helps, thanks!

Matt S.
Industrial Communications Product Support Engineer
National Instruments
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