04-03-2024 06:04 PM
Hi everyone,
below is the part of my project handling I/O pins of my Arduino mega. I encounter a problem when trying put the "output values" of digital read.vi into a cluster. No matter how many pins i read into the DI channel, it always ends up being 9 elements in the output. In this example I am trying to read 21 pins ("Keyboard" consists of 21 elements) into the digital read (the two read VI's combined).
Does anyone know what I am missing?
04-04-2024 12:40 AM
Hi mezzem,
@mezzern wrote:
Does anyone know what I am missing?
Yes: read the (full) help for the ArrayToCluster function.
After reading you can configure this specific function as required…
04-04-2024 06:40 AM
My god.. And I used the whole day trying to figure this out... 😄
Thank you so much!