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Array/Boolean value



Im strugling with an issue. I have an case structure containing diffretn values depending on the choice made in the case selector.

My goal is to build an array of diffent values depending on choosen case.

Adding one  element shall only take place when i hit an boolean value an get a true value using mechanichal action latch when pressed


This again i want to make visable on an graph


Any Ideas?


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6

What have you tried so far? Where did you get stuck?


Start out with creating a new VI. You need a big while loop containing a shift register to hold your array to be build. Then you need an event structure triggered by the boolean change. Inside the event case, place a case structure that depends on the selector.


Create a graph on the front panel and connect to the array.


Do all that, then show us what you got and we will suggest improvements.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

I have attached a photo of the problem



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

Does that mean you solved it? (I cannot run a picture, so I cannot tell if it works 🐵

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

sorry heres the VI

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

The boolean case should probably be outside the string case. If you need to take the mean in all cases, do it once before the case structure. As I said, you probably need a shift regsiter in the outer loop to build the array.


I don't uderstand how the data looks like, what you are trying to build into an array, and what the graph is supposed to show. Can you explain? Whatever you are currently doing inside the case is pure gibberish.


Do you really need to read two different files millions of times per second? All you need is read them once whenever the file or group name changes. Never us string operations on paths. Use "build path" and "strop path" as appropriate.



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Message 6 of 6