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AutoComplete with Drop down - LV Obsolete?

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I've been hunting and searching for a solution in the LV forums to use an Autocomplete with a drop down menu.  Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about.  You see it all the time in many different applications.  Heck even this forum uses Autocomplete with Drop Down (Attached).


I've seen recent posts that state "OMG only GOOGLE can do that fancy stuff, not mere LV mortals."


I think Labview is falling behind the curve with developer tools while other software continues to improve.  I've seen post here asking about this feature 8 years ago and still no answers.


I have other ideas I can use, but, they're not as graceful as a an Automatic Drop Down menu.

Here's what I need.  As the user types, a drop down list (from my ARRAY) is narrowed as they type.


The combobox is almost there...however, the combobox only works on the first match (doesn't show other matches), and it doesn't have a drop down, it does have pull down.


JQuery seems to be very popular today, has anyone tried using JQuery with Labview?


Does anyone know how to  "Autocomplete with Drop Down" in Labview?





0 Kudos
Message 1 of 12

You can try something like this:




Message 2 of 12

Thank you  gregoryj!


This will work!  Much better than anything else I've seen.  All I need to do is grab the "value" of the "Array" to extract the choice.  It's missing an autocomplete tab function, but, I'll settle for an addtional user mouse click.

Thank you!  Thank You!  Thank you!


I do believe this should be as common as a front panel drop-in similar to a combobox in Labview tools.


gregoryj you truly made a more graceful option.


I contacted NI Support too.  I hope NI realizes "Autocomplete with Drop Down" isn't just a "fad" and hopefully they will develop a more complete tool for us to use in Labview.



Message 3 of 12
Instead of contacting NI Support, you need to use the Idea Exchange.
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 12

What is the Idea Exchange?  I've never used it before...Link Please?

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 12

Glad to help,


I did forget the mouse click selection, this might do the trick:


Message 6 of 12
Accepted by topic author Dhubbell

Or just update the box where you were already typing 🙂



Message 7 of 12

Many Thanks gregoryj !




I can see many people using this snippet over and over again.  I was completely surprised to find no answers and requests for this feature going unanswered for over 8 years.


Not only have you provided me something I can use, but, this will be a great building block for many other people.  Hopefully NI will see this and develop a common front panel add-on.  Autocomplete with drop downs is in every application now a days.

Thank you again for your help and support.



0 Kudos
Message 8 of 12
Do you see on the right side where it says LabVIEW Ideas? Click it.
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Message 9 of 12

No Dennis, I do not see "Labview Ideas".  NI Support contacted me and gave me a direct link here:


Seemed like a lot of ideas stacked there.  I wonder if any ideas are ever accepted.


Again, Thank you Gregory!  Your snippet is all I needed.  It's a powerful solution and it will definitely work for my needs.

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Message 10 of 12