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Axis 205 IP Camera with NI-IMAQdx

I try to grab pictures from my Axis 205 IP Camera.

On its stated that Axis IP Cameras are supported.


NI-IMAQdx 3.5 (part of Vision Acquisition Software November 2009) added the following new features/fixes:

  • Support for Basler and Axis IP cameras

My Axis 205 IP Camera is on version 4.05

Im using LabView 2011 with RealTime 11 and NI-IMAQdx 3.8.1


The target of my Work is to get the Axis 205 to Work with the Robotics Starter Kit 2.0

but now im only trying to get pictures from the camera to my computer.


I can access the video stream and the camera configuration with the Webbrowser and with the Axis camera Tool. But I cant find the Camera with MAX nor can I add it to a project.


What can I do?

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This is a current discussion about this issue.  BTW: Does the IMAQdx branch appear in MAX?



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Hmm MAX does not show any NI-IMAQdx Devices. And I can't even add one. But I definitely have NI-IMAQdx installed.

Do you have an idea what the problem could be?


Thanks for the tutorial but I think the Axis 205 is not a GigE camera. It's just a common ip camera. I can access it with my browser.

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I was using an Axis 206 a while ago and had to configure it via before I was able to see it with IMAQdx.

There is a checkbox "Enable anonymous viewer login" which needs to be checked.


Follow this steps:


1. Go to

2. Enter the Serial Number of your camera (backside of the camera)

3. Now you should get an temprorary domain, go to the Setup Page, enter root as user and pass for the password (default).

5. Under the Users page of the Basic Configuration check the ‘Enable anonymous viewer’ checkbox which is necessary to use the camera via IMAQdx.

6. Go to TCP/IP page and either select ‘Optain IP Adress via DHCP’ or set the camera to a static IP.

7. Save and Close configuration site


I don't know if this steps ar up to date but you could give it a try.




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