05-28-2024 04:44 AM
@rolfk wrote:
I seem to have remembered something wrong. The VI coordinates still seems an i16 but the absolute screen coordinates is an i32.
Not that I ever felt like getting rilled up about the i16 limit for Vi diagrams and even less about frontpanels. Anyone creating such VIs should be forbidden to use LabVIEW. 😀
You might not always know that you, or anybody else (accidentally) has offset the VI's origin.
If the origin isn't 0,0, but 32k-1, 0, even a tiny bit of code can become a problem.
I think the only way to test\prevent this in the IDE is to regularly do QD+CTRL+O.
05-29-2024 09:54 AM
New find!
If you have several windows open, it gets horrible even without Navigation window. It's actually slightly faster with it open?!
It's every 2nd update that's extremely slow.
I added an Iteration indicator connected to 'i' and noticed a new behaviour.
1. Having 10 windows open, i got 3700 ms update time at 106% zoom even without Navigation window (only 1 window zoomed, i haven't tested with several)
2. Opening Nav. actually dropped it to 2700 ...
3. Looking at the Iteration, it seems to be fast/skip every second. I only saw the big time numbers, but 'i' jumped from 151 to 153, 155 and so on, so every 2nd must have been fast/skipped.
02-04-2025 10:55 AM
It seems to be fixed in 2024.3.2f2
They seems to only use the last movement now, shift-moving stuff doesn't queue up.