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Basler acA1300-60gm stalling labview during image acquisition


I am having a lot of trouble with new camera implementation for camera inspections and could really use some guidance. The camera in question is the Basler acA1300-60gm (I'll refer to it as '60 camera'), we haven't used them in our plant before. We have dozens of the acA1300-30gm with which we have never had this problem. They are pretty much the same 1.3Megapixel camera besides a larger sensor on the 60. 


With the new 60 cameras, I am controlling them with labVIEW 2019 and every so often (roughly 10% of the time I try to grab an image) while trying to acquire an image LabVIEW/the computer/the camera will completely stall. Eventually (after either 16 or 86 seconds, oddly enough) the image is taken and the line moves along to the next. It seems to be a hiccup in the transfer of the image data. It turns a 1.5second cycle time into 86 seconds. 

I have attached our generic image acquisition vi, it appears labview freezes when Imaqdx is trying to collect the packet from the camera. 


Troubleshooting I have done:

-swapped the ethernet cords and ethernet switch we use

-changed out and updated the computer driver for the camera switch (Intel I210 driver recommended by windows) (we use cat5 unshielded)

-ensured the cameras are exchanging a packet size of 1500 bytes (standard packet size, set up in NI MAX) and I enabled the driver to utilize jumbo packets if needed although I don't think this is being used.

-in NI MAX I compared and matched every single setting to the NI MAX settings on a different computer where the cameras work seamlessly (these are settings for the acA1300-30gm, I assumed these would suffice for an acA1300-60gm).

-I disabled the windows firewall and changed the MTU for the camera switch port to 9000 bytes using a netsh command.


-I extensively probed our subVI called “Generic Image” we standardly use to acquire images from the cameras and found that the stall occurs in a spot where the vi looks for lost packets. See the blue square in the attached photo. 


Does anyone have any suggestions to why our system is OK with the acA1300-30gm but does terribly with the acA1300-60gm, (any settings either on labview, NI MAX or Basler Pylon).


Thanks in advance!

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