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Bearing Analysis

Can anyone help with evaluation Software/VI for analyzing roller bearing
defects using enveloping (demodulation) techniques.Some literature I have
describes Enveloping as " Envelope detection is a method for intensifying
the repetitive components of a dynamic signal to provide an early warning of
deterring mechanical condition" Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.
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Message 1 of 5
I learned that the envelope is the peak-to-peak value of an AC signal. An easy LabVIEW solution is to aquire the AC signal with a DAQ-board. Window and calculate the FFT. Find the dominant frequency and it's amplitude. Stripchart the amplitude gives you an envelope.
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Message 2 of 5

I have extensive experience with bearing defect analysis! Big time.

Contact me, I can probably help. I am not familiar with the enveloping technique. I am mostly familiar with analysis using FFTs of vibration data from either an analysis machine such as a Schenck (great product, terrible company and price) or by using my own 1, 2, or 3 axis velocity or acceleration sensors (accelerations is superior for vibration analysis.)

I also got a hold of the formulae for determining what signals to look for for which defects (the frequency multipliers for which bearing elements.

The company I worked at had a very serious bearing wear issue, and I was able to determine a lotby analysis of these signals, done primarily in LabVIEW.

However; real bearn
ing analysis involves deltas over time of vibration (harmonics) signatures. By first determining what signals in the FFT correspond to what bearing feature (i.e. outer race defect, inner race defect, ball defect) you can then create a signature of each pattern. Analysis takes place over time. You can actually go back and calculate exact dimension change by looking at the frequency shift of the features of the FFT. For example, the degree to which your frequency shifts of your outer race, can actually be used to directly calculate the change in dimension of the outer race circumfrence/diameter...

I can be reached at if you wish to discuss this further.

Good luck. I hope you have the success that my former company didn't (they never did listen to reason...)
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Message 3 of 5

Hi dear all,


I am arslan and trying to develop software using labveiw for diagnosis of ball bearing inner, outer and ball faults... i am using cepstrum problem is i have developed some what software and now i wanted to check my software through data files....As i dont have any experimental setup, so can any one provide me good noise free data of healthy, outer race, inner race and ball defect...the data should be in time domain and of single accerlometer....

It would be great help for me,





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Message 4 of 5

arsi986 wrote:

I am arslan ...

Duplicate post. Contined here.

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Message 5 of 5