01-13-2010 06:56 AM
rex1030 wrote:...
What do you think is going on under the hood with the rotate array function ben?
Hi Rex,
I can't speak for the rotate because I have not had a chance to bench-mark it since the secret surfaced about its capabilities. I'd have to sit done on a clean machine and do some benchmarking myself to be able to comment. My home machine is ancient and stuck at LV 8.5 and is not a good platform for testing low level performance like the rotate. That is why I'm following this thread in the hopes of finding out when where and how to use the rotate.
01-14-2010 05:22 PM
01-15-2010 08:25 PM
Could you post your benchmark code as 8.5 or lower or an image?
Quoting an old siganature of Michael Avialiostis "Talk is cheap, show me the code"
01-18-2010 05:52 PM
Take a look at this code. I toggled the “Request Deallocation.vi” both keeping and removing the “Rotate 1D Array.vi”. Then watch the Device Manager for memory usage under LabVIEW. It’s the same whether the “Rotate 1D Array.vi” is in the code or not.
01-18-2010 06:55 PM
Everything is folded (detemined at compile time). Check
Tools >>> Options Block Diagram
Show constant folding of Wires
Show Constant Folding of Structures
to see for yourself.
01-19-2010 01:52 PM