03-07-2008 02:08 PM
03-14-2008 09:33 AM
Hi Panos
In answer to your first question, you could use the retriggerable property node and set this to true. This will enable you to start the acquisition each time PFI0 is triggered. You can access the property node by going to the DAQmx pallet, then selecting the triggering node. Then click on the trigger property node and select Start>>More>>Retriggerable.
I am just looking into your second question.
I hope this helps
03-27-2008 08:55 AM
Hi Panos
As you are using the PFI line as a trigger it should not affect the sample rate of your acquisition. It will just be used to trigger the acquisition to start.
Hope this helps
03-18-2019 10:22 AM
I know this is a few years on but I am currently creating a VI that is similar to this for a project to acquire Pressure Information from an engine.
If you could explain how this system works this would really help me out as I am relatively new to LV.
Kind regards
03-18-2019 12:20 PM
You'd be far better served by starting your own new thread, even though this one has "pressure" in the title.
Start by saying what hardware you have, assuming you have some already. If you don't even have hardware yet, then it's more of a question of "what hardware would be easiest to use with LabVIEW to do X", and we need more details on X, because "Pressure information" is pretty generic.